Home Featured Natanz Attack Hit 164 Feet Underground, Destroyed Most of the Facility

Natanz Attack Hit 164 Feet Underground, Destroyed Most of the Facility

by Touchpoint Israel

The alleged Israeli attack on Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility targeted an electrical substation located 164 feet underground and damaged “thousands of centrifuges,” Iranian officials revealed in recent days.

Fereydoon Abbasi-Davani, former head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, told Iranian media on Monday that the attack hit an electrical substation located deep underground and managed to damage both the power distribution system and the cable leading to the centrifuges in order to cut power to them.

The Iranian official stressed that such an operation takes years, saying “the design of the enemy was very beautiful.”

Davani added that the substation was built underground in order to protect it from air and missile strikes and that the attack was carried out either via cyber, sabotaged equipment, or sabotage committed by agents.

Before destruction a man’s heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor. – Proverbs 18:12


Originally posted at vfinews.com


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