Home TourismAttractions Megiddo | Ancient City with Prophetic Significance

Megiddo | Ancient City with Prophetic Significance

by Touchpoint Israel

Megiddo is an ancient city with future significance. It is located in the middle of the southern Jezreel Valley, in northern Israel. Its prime location gives its inhabitants control over travel from the Mediterranean to the east and a wide scope of the valley below.

Today, the ancient city of Megiddo lies in ruins in a mound-like formation. The mound was formed as a result of generations of people rebuilding the city in the same location, causing the street levels to rise; this formation is known as a “tel.” While visiting this site, don’t neglect to think about the past biblical events that happened here and the future event that is foretold to take place here! 


In Joshua chapter 7, the King of Megiddo is mentioned in a list of kings who were defeated by Joshua and the Israelites. This defeat happens when the Israelites are conquering the land after the exodus from Egypt and wilderness wanderings. The Israelites conquered the city of Megiddo and “Joshua gave it to the tribes of Israel as a possession according to their divisions” (Joshua 7:7).


In Judges 5:19-20, Megiddo is mentioned in Deborah’s and Barak’s song after their defeat of Sisera and the Canaanite armies/kings. It says the Canaanite kings came and fought near “the waters of Megiddo” in reference to the Kishon River that flows near Megiddo.


In 1 Kings 9:15, Megiddo is listed as one of the cities which King Solomon fortified. Solomon chose to fortify Megiddo because of its strategic location and access to controlling east-west trade. There is archeological evidence of Solomon’s fortifications onsite today.

King Ahaziah and King Josiah

Two Israelite kings died at Megiddo during the split monarchy. King Ahaziah was shot with an arrow at the ascent of Gur on the eastern side of the Jezreel Valley but managed to make it to Megiddo to die. Then, King Josiah of Judah was killed by Pharaoh Neco as soon as he arrived to meet him at Megiddo.

The Battle of Armageddon

Revelation 16-18 talks about the Battle at Armageddon. The word “Armageddon” comes from the Greek word “Harmagedon,” which is derived from the Hebrew phrase “Har Megiddo,” meaning “Mount Megiddo.” Revelation 16:16 names this site as the location where the armies gather for the final battle between good and evil, on the great day of God, the Almighty.

Modified from an original post at Sar-El Tours.


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