Home Tourism Top Things To Experience In Israel – Part 2

Top Things To Experience In Israel – Part 2

by Touchpoint Israel

Last Friday, we had published part 1 of our Top Things To Do In Israel, giving you four incredible sites to visit.

Today, we wanted to give you a few cultural endeavors to embark on. Here is part 2 of Top Things To Do In Israel!

Tour the Old City of Jerusalem
The Old City of Jerusalem is a real must-see, being home to sites of key religious significance, including the Western (Wailing) Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and the Dome of the Rock. You can easily spend a full day here: place a prayer between the cracks of the huge stones that make up the Western Wall, browse the stalls in the narrow streets of the Old City bazaar, and visit the site of Jesus’ crucifixion.

Haggle in the Carmel Market, Tel Aviv
The Carmel market in central Tel Aviv gives you the opportunity to hone your bargaining skills and get a taste of the real Israel. Starting at the Allenby Street end, wander past the multitudes of clothing stalls before you hit the market’s epicenter; the food and spices. Amazing colors, amazing smells…listen to the stall vendors hawk their goods and taunt each other over space, prices, quality, or sports teams. A great day out to go and explore!

Snorkel or scuba in the Red Sea, Eilat
Eilat is the place to go if you want to see amazing coral reef, beautiful fish, and crystal-clear water. With great weather practically all-year round, this is the place to dust off your snorkel or scuba dive. Alternatively, for the less adventurous, there’s always Eilat’s impressive Underwater Observatory and exotic beaches. Eilat has its own airport, so is easy to get to, and is a short drive from the amazing dives of Sinai!

Enjoy a sunset on Tel Aviv beach
The gorgeous sandy beach of Tel Aviv is the perfect spot to catch a sunset. Kick off your shoes and feel the sand between your toes as the Mediterranean laps gently at the shore just meters away! You could also wind down the day at one of the many beach-side cafes with some delicious desserts!

Visit Yad Vashem, Jerusalem
A more somber spot to visit, but an important place to get a deeper understanding of Israel, this is the memorial to the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Located on the Western outskirts of Jerusalem, the large complex of museums, monuments, exhibition halls, archives, libraries, and other resource centers extends over 45 acres. Take your time, and be prepared to be deeply moved!


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